Home Exclusive Report Commerce Media at the Tipping Point

Commerce Media at the Tipping Point


Commerce media is now among the fastest-growing areas of the ad industry. At the start of 2024, AdExchanger partnered with Fluent to survey more than 150 decision-makers from leading brands, agencies, and publishers serving a range of industry sectors. The results of that survey are part of a new report that provides key insights, including the following:

Commerce media is uniquely suited to the challenges of the moment

Two-thirds of both buy- and sell-side respondents said commerce media is specifically suited to tackle the biggest pain points of the modern moment: loss of third-party cookies and the rising importance of first-party data amid the broader shift toward privacy-centricity. Commerce media is helping to bring back the original promise of digital advertising: connecting with a hyper-targeted audience at a compelling point in the buying journey.

Where are advertisers and agencies realizing the most value through commerce media?

Buy-side respondents already leveraging commerce media revealed the top three benefits they’re seeing today.

Why are publishers and media companies jumping on the commerce media bandwagon?

Sell-side respondents shared how they’re utilizing commerce media to create differentiated offerings in a crowded ad tech marketplace.

A major disconnect that’s holding back potential

Both advertisers and publishers agree that there are significant issues holding back the full promise of commerce media. But the problems publishers are focused on are not the pain points advertisers most care about.




Download the report: Commerce Media at the Tipping Point


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