Home AdExchanger Talks Straight Talk With An Anonymous Guest, The Legendary Corndog Of Ad Tech Twitter

Straight Talk With An Anonymous Guest, The Legendary Corndog Of Ad Tech Twitter


Call it a Halloween special.

For this week’s episode, AdExchanger Talks has its first guest who is speaking on terms of anonymity … or from beneath Harry Potter’s cloak of invisibility, if we’re sticking to the Halloween theme.

“I’m not senior enough to get away with running my mouth,” says our apparition of a guest this week, who we must suppose is a real-world exec in the data broker business because he seems to know a lot about it, but is actually best-known as an ad tech Twitter personality dubbed Corndog. (Though he insists upon his handle, @HumanPropensity: “Smash like and subscribe.”)

What listeners may lose in a name, they regain and more in frank talk about the state of independent ad tech and third-party data brokers.

After all, what’s the point in obsessing over every movement of the Richter scale that comes from Google and Apple’s tectonic shifting? It’s not like you can pick your house up and move it somewhere else.

“It’s a little like worrying about the sun burning out,” he says. “You maybe could sweettalk someone at The Trade Desk for a better deal.”

But when it comes to engaging with Apple (an actual “lol”) or with Google, “there’s a sense of helplessness.”

Also this week: Is an ambitious product manager better off as a starring character on ad tech Twitter or an earnest influencer on LinkedIn? What it’s like being the only person around who’s really into reading privacy policies. And why CPG ad buyers might have the toughest gig in marketing.

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